Ever since Molly has joined the family, Ben has landed on the burner...the one
behind the back burner!!! Everyday he tries his best to somehow get some much needed attention from
anyone who will give it to him and does so in
anyway he can. Friends and family who come over for visits know all too well that they will be greeted by a dog who jumps, leaps, barks, and wags...making it very clear that he'll do anything to convince them to take him for a walk and out of this crazy household!
I think the other day Ben decided that if he spends more time in the same room as the girls, plays with their toys, and uses their things then maybe he'll start getting treated like the baby he once was!

Ben's thought..."Molly never seems to have trouble with her playmat getting stuck on her when she gets up..?!"
Ben's thought..."If Brynn's going to leave her blanket on MY floor, then it's mine!"
Ben's thought..."If she spills her milk, I'm going to make a mess of it too!"
Ben's thought..."I can't wait for my sisters to be big enough to take me for walks instead of taking up all of the attention around here!"