Each morning, if I don't pick up Ben's water dish before Brynn gets up and heads to it, we usually have some sort of catastrophe...either a wet child, a puddle on the floor, or even a shattered glass dish. Yesterday, the gathering at the water dish made me laugh out loud, and therefore I found it impossible to discipline! Brynn decided that she would wash Molly's binky...
Then...today....As I was finishing giving Molly a bottle, Brynn was digging through the "treat" drawer which has become a favorite pastime. She took the box of crackers and before I could get Molly situated and take the box from Brynn, we had a shower of crackers. It was a race between 3 of us...Brynn, Mommy, and Ben. Brynn and Ben were shoving them in their mouths as fast as they could while I tried to clean them up! Maybe a perfect opportunity to teach Brynn a lesson in cleaning up...instead, I grabbed the camera!
Another great day...what am I going to do when I have two giving me "kodak" moments to capture?! For now, Molly sits back and takes it all in...good thing cause I can barely keep up with her sister! Love it:)
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