Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Been a While...

 Although the blogger has been temporarily out of service, the camera (thankfully) has not been! 

Molly enjoying some time in her exersaucer. 
(aka, Mommy enjoying a few hands-free moments to quick get something done!)

A tough choice in the morning...rush to get ready to go to work or slow down enough for a quick story? 
(Not really a touch choice!!)

Snuggling on the couch!
(Still waiting for the day that we'll catch both smiling at the same time!)

Playtime on the floor has recently become rock & ROLL time! 
(Molly rolled from tummy to back and back to tummy within one day- both for the first time!)

A little bonding between sister & brother.
(This is the same way that Brynn & Ben's love/hate relationship began!!)

"Don't mind if I do...(help myself to the grapes on the counter).  Don't worry Mommy, this cute face will keep you from taking them away from me."

Bubbles & Bruises (on the forehead).

Bright eyes & curly hair after bathtime!!

"Mommy, I'll smile to make you happy, but I didn't enjoy you trying out this pony-tail thing for the first time!"

"Mommy....really?  Do you realize my friends will see this picture someday?"

Enjoying a quick "bike" ride and stop at Grandma & Grandpa's while out for a walk.

Molly's got the best seat in the "house" out on our evening walk!

Very serious contemplating whether or not to ride her bike or be pushed in the stroller!

Brynn turned 20 months this week...Molly will turn 6 months next week.  Where has the time gone? 
They get more beautiful and wonderful thankful for the snapshots we'll cherish forever.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see some new photos!! I bet you are ready for spring break to come. Maybe we can do a playdate? The girls are getting so big and are just as adorable as ever.
