Two kids later, things have changed...!
Ben no longer has the desire (or space) to sleep between us on the bed. He fends for himself on the couch or spare-bed. He usually has to give us a little whine as a reminder that his food and water dish are empty (we can't keep water in his bowl or Brynn will throw cell-phones and other non-water-proof items in it). He only gets exercised when staying at our parents' for the weekend, or during the late-spring, summer, and early-fall seasons! Although he doesn't get the pets, scratches, and snuggles that he used to, it isn't because of a lack of effort on his part!
However, although things have changed and Ben has moved to a different position on our priority list, he is still a major part of our family and is still loved for so many reasons.
WE LOVE......
...that Ben is incredibly gentle and patient with both girls. He has never been rough with or resentful of them. We will often see Brynn's entire fist full of crackers in Ben's whole mouth....her giggling as he gently tries to steal her treats.
WE LOVE......
...that Ben (no matter how long he has been locked in the laundry room) will be so happy to us, as though we never left him.
...that Ben (no matter how long he has been locked in the laundry room) will be so happy to us, as though we never left him.
...that Ben will always find Brynn or Molly's blankets to lay on on the floor- perhaps his way of keeping it warm for them!
WE LOVE......
...that Ben is an incredible help when cleaning up the kitchen (also a major factor in his current weight problem).
...that Ben is an incredible help when cleaning up the kitchen (also a major factor in his current weight problem).
WE LOVE......
...that Ben is a wonderful watch-dog. Although his loud bark wakes us up at night once in a while, we love that he is aware of anything going on outside.
...that Ben's tail will wag at the simplest of greetings we give him.
...that Ben not only enjoys but get's SO excited over the simple things in life...getting a treat, walk, or a good scratch.
...that Ben is the best "greeter" we have when visitors come over. Although he usually freaks out and could appear scary to a non-dog lover, he absolutely loves anyone who walks into our house and goes a bit over-board to let them know he's happy to see them.
...(or at least get a kick out of the fact) that Ben acts out just like a child when he doesn't get enough attention. This includes eating whole cans of baby formula, chewing up sippy cups and bottles, or hopping in anyone's car when they stop over.

I know some day we will look back and agree that Ben has been a wonderful companion for our family. And, although most days we think that he is irreplaceable, he sure can drive us crazy! We do love, though, that Ben is a member of our family and loves us unconditionally!
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