Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays & Heartache

This is the time of the year that I have always looked forward to...decorating the tree, shopping for gifts, listening to Christmas music, and spending multiple days celebrating with family. 

However, this year is a little different.  Although I have been enjoying the holiday anticipation, and am looking forward to our Christmases with our families, it is bittersweet for me.  I knew these few weeks would bring mixed feelings for me as I prepare to head back to work after the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over and the tree is packed away until next year.  And for that reason, I'm finding myself wishing it were September again! 

I knew the day we came home from the hospital with our new little Molly that I needed to enjoy every day of my maternity leave and not look too forward to anything but the present moment we were living in...and as much as I tried to live in slow motion, the time has come... my last "official" day of my maternity leave.

But...I know that I am so blessed...
...to have a husband who has supported our decision for me to stay home longer than most mommy's get to. 
...to have wonderful parents who have helped us in countless ways while we have gotten used to being a family of 4.
...to have a great job to go back to on January 4th.
...to know that everyday I will still get to wake up to my little girls, and at 4:00, I'll get to be home with them again.
...to have a safe and fun new daycare to take the girls to each day.
But these things can't take the heartache away just yet...

I can only hope that the next 6 months of work will go as fast as the last 3 months have, so I can quickly find myself home everyday again, loving every moment and not missing out on any memories with my babies.  

These 3 months have been the best of my life.  It amazes me how two little people can bring more joy than I ever knew existed, even if we're just lounging around in our jammies, reading books, and snuggling in the chair all day.  I will miss these days like crazy...until I get them back again!

Even though my heart is breaking, I know I have to do my best to enjoy the special holiday season upon us, and I will. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Am,
    I feel your heartache. I know you have been so great about enjoying the last few months, but I won't pretend that it will be easy...we both know better than that. Summer will be here before you know it and you can be a full-time mommy again! I'll be thinking of you!
    See you soon, too!
    love rach
