Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today...(something new to try)

I found this idea on a blog that I discovered while clicking around on some other blogs....thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.  I found other women's and mommy's trying out this blogging format and discovered how interesting it is to read of other women's entries---and how remarkably similar some are to my life! 

I'm giving it a try because I think it is a perfect way to help me to slow down and live in the moment...........

Outside my is cloudy and barely light out...some days I prefer the quiet cloudiness to bright sunshine...makes one appreciate the sunshine a little more!

I am listening to...the sound of my little Molly grunting and cooing after her morning bottle...what could be better?!

I am wearing...white t-shirt and gray shorts..."mommy pajamas"!

I am thankful for...the week ahead...being home with my girls and husband, seeing family and friends.

I am pondering...why I drank a large cup of coffee last night while I strolled around Target at 9pm...I was wide awake until 1:30 and now am wishing I had gotten a few more hours of sleep!

I am reading...lots of information online about Nutramigen- a baby formula we're trying with Molly to try and ease her tummy problems.

In the kitchen...I'm wishing there were warm caramel rolls in the oven (something I've been planning on making for the past few mornings), but my Special K will have to suffice.

I am creating...(I created) some magnetic, fabric covered boards to hang on the wall and hold pictures for our nieces for mom taught me how after we had seen them at a craft show this summer.

I am thinking...that I hope Molly needs a catnap so I can catch one too, before big sister Brynn gets up!

I am going...(we are going) Kevin's Grandparent's farm to see them since we didn't on Christmas.  We're also planning a trip to Winona to see my grandma who we also didn't get to see.

Around the house...lots of pieces of pretend food from Brynn's new kitchen...need to get a container to hold it all so we're not stepping on french fries and ice cream cones going from room to room!

One of my favorite things...the privilege of being a mom...and being able to spend the first quiet moments of every morning with my baby.

A picture thought to share...

Most recent family picture taken on Christmas.
(I've come to realize that it might be a while before both girls will be looking at the camera and smiling.....we'll take what we get!)

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